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Appunti di Inglese

Types of economic systems

TYPES OF ECONOMIC SYSTEMS Each country must decide what type of economic system adopt to increase its wealth, which depends on how well the country exploits factors of production. There are 3 main types of economic systems: free market econo ...

UK economy

UK economy The wealth of a country depends on how rich it is in factors of production and how well it exploits (sfruttare) them. The world of production can be divided into three main branches: primary, secondary and tertiary sectors. ...


ULYSSES Ulysses is about what happens to the three main character (Stephen Dedalus, Leopold Bloom and Molly, his wife) and what goes on their mind; all this spans a single day in Dublin in June 1904. The main theme is a quest for identit ...

Ulysses and the voyage

Ulysses and the voyage Reading Tennyson text, we can think that here he is the prototype of the modern man, the metaphor of the man thirsted of knowledge. He trusts in God and for this reason he doesnt try to know the truth only with his ...

ULYSSES by Tennyson

ULYSSES by Tennyson Tennyson's Ulysses is an old and tired king who rules over an island inhabited by people who are only concerned with material life. He has fought in the war of Troy, he has met dangers and adventures of all sorts and he ...

ULYSSES by Tennyson

ULYSSES by Tennyson Tennyson's Ulysses is an old and tired king who rules over an island inhabited by people who are only concerned with material life. He has fought in the war of Troy, he has met dangers and adventures of all sorts and he ...

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (History)

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (History) Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (History)In the struggle for succession after LENIN's death (1924), STALIN won out over TROTSKY. The NEW ECONOMIC POLICY (1921-28) gave way to full ...

Unit for children - family

UNIT FOR CHILDREN - Family INTRODUZIONE:   Il linguaggio un sistema di simboli che permette la comunicazione. La parola sistema include regole da rispettare; per creare comunicazione bisogna che ...

Used to

USED TO USO        Per esprimere unabitudine nel passato He used to play football every Saturday, but now he doesnt        Per esprimere uno stato passato ...


Verbi SIMPLE PRESENT: forma base ( terza persona si aggiunge la s) Azione abituale PRESENT CONTINUOS: to be (al presente) + forma base + ing Azio ...

Verbi con usi speciali

Verbi con usi speciali Verbs with special uses Remind, remember, assist, attend To remind significa far che qualcuno ricordi un successo o una cosa. Deve essere seguito da un sostantivo o da un pronome, esempi: I remind Mary to bring her b ...

Verbo fare

VERBO FARE ATTIVO Obbligo o azione involontaria: MAKE + OGGETTO + INFINITO SENZA TO Permesso: LET + OGGETTO + INFINITO SENZA TO Persuasione: ...

Verbo potere

Verbo potere Si pu tradurre con i verbi can could, may might. Si usano can e could quando can significa essere capace, essere in grado, sapere fare. I tempi mancanti si sostituiscono con lespressione to be able to. To ...

Versailles's history

VERSAILLESS HISTORY Versailles, city, northern France, capital of Yvelines Department, near Paris. It is primarily a residential community and is noted as the site of the palace and gardens of Louis XIV; the city also has some industry. ...

VICTORIAN AGE: social context

VICTORIAN AGE: social context During the Victorian age the English society changed a lot. First of all, the population increased and so did the phenomenon of urbanisation. Victorian cities were characterized by large industrial areas and a ...

Victorian Drama

Victorian Drama In the Victorian period were written few works but the ideas during to the twentieth century. Some writers of the twentieth century can be call Victorian dramatists. The more popular forms were the melodrama and the ...

Victorian drama 1837-1901

VICTORIAN DRAMA 1837-1901 The Victorian Age witnessed the emergence of show business, that is playwriting, staging and acting on a commercial basis, and the star system, great actors in rich costumes and spectacular acting, who became ...

Virginia Woolf (1882-1941)

Virginia Woolf (1882-1941) Wirginia Wooolf is one of the most important avant-garde writer of the women litterary movement in the beginning of this century. She was born in a litterary and intellectual family, but she had never gone to ...

Volere to want/to like

Volere to want/to like To wanttutti i tempi, no condizionale pres e pass perch sostituito da to like:        I want to leave early tomorrow Would you like a cup of tea?   & ...

Wales, scotland, northern ireland

WALES has some wonderful mountain and coastal scenery. North Wales is very popular with tourists and offers a large variety of holiday attractions. Coal mining used to be the most important industry in Wales: Cardiff (the capital), Swansea and New ...

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