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Appunti di Inglese

The restricted position of women in the eighteenth and nineteenth century

THE RESTRICTED POSITION OF WOMEN IN THE EIGHTEENTH AND NINETEENTH CENTURY:        Code of behaviour        Husband hunting        The importance ...

The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772 - 1834)

The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772 - 1834) Type of Work: Lyrical fantasy ballad Setting A sailing ship travelling the seas; late Medieval period Principal Characters The Ancient Mariner, a sailor- ...

The rise of the novel

THE RISE OF THE NOVEL The world novel meant a prose fiction which was new not only because it was original but also because it reported recent events of news. The novel portrays characters of the novel exist within the parameters of ordina ...

The rise of the novel

The rise of the novel At the end of the 18th century a new literary genre started developing all over Europe: the Novel. It was a revolution whose roots were as old as the other literary genres. In fact, this new way of writing borrowed ...

The rise of the novel

The rise of the novel At the end of the 18th century a new literary genre started developing all over Europe: the Novel. It was a revolution whose roots were as old as the other literary genres. In fact, this new way of writing borrowed ...

The rise of the novel and his characteristics

The rise of the novel and his characteristics Literature is always linked to the historical social and economic background of a country. Eighteen century was an age of prosperity, commerce, agriculture and industry expanded enormously incre ...

The romantic age

THE ROMANTIC AGE - Romanticism was a European phenomenon which developed in different ways and times according to the cultural, social and political situations of each country. The term romanticism derives from the French word romance which r ...

The romantic age

THE ROMANTIC AGE The age of revolutions Great Revolutions characterized the second half of the 18th century and the beginning of the 19th century: the American Revolution with the Declaration of American Independence in 1776, ...

The romantic period

THE ROMANTIC PERIOD ROMANTIC POETRY The Romantic movement developped in western Europe and it involved not only literature but also philosophy, science, religion and art. ROMANTIC state of mind contrasting with the rationalism ...

The romantic period in english

THE ROMANTIC PERIOD IN ENGLISH The romantic period in English literature is often labelled by historians the Age of Revolution. It opens with the American Declaration of Indipendence (1776 ) and is characterised by the effects of the French ...

The romanticism

The romanticism is a cultural motion and historian that it is developed from the end of the eighteenth century until the half of the nineteenth century in a historical period that sees the Europe live one of the periods more dramatic than its sto ...

The Romanticism in Europe

The Romanticism in Europe Derived from the term 'romance-like,' in which sense it was used during the 17th and 18th centuries. romanticism in its specific historical application refers to a movement in European art from about 1800 to 1 ...

The scarlet letter

THE SCARLET LETTER The novel is set in Boston, in Puritan New England, during 17th century; it is the story of Hester Prynne. Hester was born in Old England and her family was not very rich but noble. After her marriage with Roger Chilling ...

The scarlet letter

The scarlet letter Hester Prynne, a woman who lived in Boston, has been condemned to wear, for her adultery, committed because she thought that her husband had been killed by indians, a scarlet letter on her breast. She didnt want to revea ...

The snows of kilimangiaro

THE SNOWS OF KILIMANGIARO Author : Ernest Hemingway Literary category : short stories Author's life: Hemingway was born at Oak Park, in Illinois, in 1899; he studied in his home town, where he graduated in 1917 and began a career as ...

The snows of Kilimanjaro

The snows of Kilimanjaro A Critical Analysis of The Snows of KilimanjaroBy Ernest Hemingway Ernest Hemingways background influenced him to write the short story The Snows of Kilimanjaro. One important influence on the story was that H ...

The sonnet

The sonnet The renaissance is the golden Age of the literature because of the development of the poetry with the songs and the sonnets. The sonnet was a literary genre originated in Italy where was improved by Dante and above all by Petrarc ...

The spirit of the age

THE SPIRIT OF THE AGE 17th century troubled period of religious and political controversies Civil War 10 years England was ruled as a REPUBLIC the COMMONWEALTH ...

The strange case of dr. jekyll and mr. hyde

THE STRANGE CASE OF DR. JEKYLL AND MR. HYDE PLOT This story began in London when, during one of their usual walk, Mr. Utterson, a famous lawyer, and Richard Enfield, his friend and cousin, went trough a small street where there was a small a ...

The symphonic poem

The symphonic poem Symphonic Poem or Tone Poem, 19th- and 20th-century genre of program music for orchestra. Symphonic poems are generally in one movement and are usually associated with ideas from paintings, poems, dramas, n ...

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