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Appunti di Inglese

The photovoltaic system: From the solar surface to the heart surfase

The photovoltaic system: From the solar surface to the heart surfase The structure of a photovoltaic system can be very varied; in its most general form, a block system is shown here. Even if, in general, the most practical realizations us ...

The Picture of Dorian Gray

The Picture of Dorian Gray When Wilde published The Picture of Dorian Gray, the book was received with a lot of protest and criticisms. The suggested homosexuality, the amoral nature of the story, the description of luxury and moral ...

The picture of dorian gray


The picture of dorian gray

THE PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY When in 1890 was published 'The picture of Dorian Gray', this work was welcomed with scandal and furious polemics, but at the same time it was an enormous success because as Oscar Wilde said: Th ...

The Picture of Dorian Gray-Oscar Wilde

The Picture of Dorian Gray-Oscar Wilde The story is set in London, where the well-known artist Basil Hallward becomes obsessed with the beauty of a young gentleman, Dorian Gray. He paints Dorian's portrait, and introduces him to Lord Henry ...

The picture of dorian grey

THE PICTURE of DORIAN GREY This story is about wanting to stay young and not knowing the consequences of such a desire. Everything starts out in Basil Hallward's studio. Basil is a painter that is obsessed with Dorian Grey, a young beautifu ...

The pilgrim resorts

THE PILGRIM RESORTS The most important pilgrim resort have always been Palestine and Rome . Several monographs on places of resorts for pilgrims were written between at the beginning of 8th century and later in the 12th and 13th ...

The pit and the pendulum, edgar allan poe

THE PIT AND THE PENDULUM Summary: Perhaps one of Poe's most popular works, 'The Pit and the Pendulum' takes place in a dungeon during the Spanish Inquisition. The hero, who is never named, is a man driven to the brink of insanity ...

The plantagenets

THE PLANTAGENETS This dynasty of kings reigned from 1154.    Henry Il His reign was successful in restoring order: he reduced the power of barons and sent travelling judges, called common law, all over England to control if ...

The plot of Robinson Crusoe

The plot of Robinson Crusoe Robinson Crusoe is an Englishman from the town of York in the seventeenth century, the youngest son of a merchant of German origin. The hero of the novel is a middle-class man, Robinson Kreutznaer, anglicised Crus ...

The plot of "The Rime Of Ancient Mariner"

The plot of The Rime Of Ancient Mariner The Rime of the Ancient Mariner is a Romantic ballad and it is one of the most important work realized by Coleridge. With strange mysterious power, an ancient mariner (old sailer) compe ...

The preromantic tradition

THE PREROMANTIC TRADITION In the 18th century prose fiction moved gradually from Augustan Satire towards a new sentimentality, poetry reveals a marked change in sensibility during the 18th century. The Reflective tradition was represen ...

The puritan age

THE PURITAN AGE HISTORICAL BACKGROUNDS After the death of James I, Charles I did unsuccessful expeditions to France and Spain, so the Monarchy lowered its prestige. The House ...

The puritans

THE PURITANS The puritans were people characterized by great religious and moral earnestness, who wanted a poorer Church. They demanded: liturgical reforms, the revaluation of preaching based on the Bible, the abolition of the bishops powe ...

The reformation and counter-reformation

THE REFORMATION AND COUNTER-REFORMATION Background At the beginning of the sixteenth century, the Catholic church, modeled upon the bureaucratic structure of the Holy Roman Empire, has become extremely powerful, but internally corrupt. From ...

The Renaissance

The Renaissance During the 15th century developed the Humanism; is a cultural movement began in Italy, that take inspiration from Greek and roman tradition with the examination of the classics, and also aim at the valorisation of man and o ...

The Renaissance

The Renaissance During the Tudor period we have the passage from the Middle Ages to the Modern Age;this passage was called 'Renaissance' all over Europe Becouse it was a rebirth from a period of obscurity and supertition, as the ...

The renaissance

THE RENAISSANCE During the Tudor period we have the passage from the Middle Ages to the Modern Age, this passage was colled 'Renaissance' all over Europe because it was a ribirth from a period of obscurity and superstition, as th ...

The renaissance (1485-1625)

The renaissance (1485-1625) Historical context 1.Tudors -Henry vii: supreme monarchy; powerful england's trading position. -Henry viii:spent money fighting wars againt france. A) catherine of aragon: he wanted a div ...

The Renaissance 1485-1660

The Renaissance 1485-1660 The Elizabethan Age Wyatt, Sir Thomas    1503-1542 Born in Allington, England, Sir Thomas Wyatt became a man of of great lyric poetry. Wyatt studied at Cambridge and soon became knighted in 1536. ...

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