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Appunti di Inglese

Jane austen

JANE AUSTEN She is the most important writer of Romanticism, and her writing became very important. The Romantic innovation had been brought ten years before by Wordsworth when he had published Lyrical Ballads. The King George 4th want ...

Jane austen

JANE AUSTEN Jane Austen was an English novelist whose books, set among the English middle and upper classes, are notable for their wit, social observation and insights into the lives of early 19th century women.   BIOGRAPHY: ...

Jane austen

JANE AUSTEN Life and works: Jane Austen was born in 1775 in Hampshire. He father was the rector of the village. She was mostly educated at home. Jane began writing prose and verse at an early age. She lived in the beloved countryside mar ...

Jane austen (1775 - 1817)

JANE AUSTEN (1775 - 1817) Jane Austen wrote her novels in the romantic perioud, but she isnt at all romantic, in fact her concepts are more associated to classicism. In particular she deals with love in a very classical way, without ...

Jane Austen 1775

Jane Austen 1775 She studied at the abbey school at Reading, and completed her education at home. She was brilliant conversationalist, an accomplished dancer, and a prodigious letter-writer. She soon developed the qualities of a keen obse ...


Jazz THE ORIGINS The term jazz indicates a type of music that has been developed in the United States between thousands the eight hundred and thousands the nine hundred from the encounter between the musical shapes elabor ...

Jerome David Salinger

Jerome David Salinger   The Catcher in the Rye It is a critic against false, hypocrite society he belongs to. He prefers to speak with the sister then with the adults. He was against lawyers who make a lot of money and spent a lot of ...

John Keats

John Keats John Keats is perhaps the greatest member of that group of the second generation of Romantic poets; he was able to fuse the romantic passion and the cold Neo-classicism. Substance: unlike some of the romantic poets, he devoted o ...

Jonathan swift - gulliver's travel

SWIFT Jonathan Swift was born in 1667 in Dublin of English parents and he was educated there. At the time of revolution Swift left Dublin for England and started work for sir William Temple, who was a scholar and a Whig statesman and who e ...

Joseph conrad (1857 - 1924) - conrad and imperialism, heart of darkness

JOSEPH CONRAD (1857 - 1924)   Joseph Conrad (whose real name was Jozef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski) was born in 1857 in Ukraine, at that time a Polish province under Russian rule.   In 1861, Josephs father moved to Warsaw, whe ...

Keats: Ode on a Grecian Urn

Keats: Ode on a Grecian Urn John Keats John Keats was born in London on October 29 or 31, 1795, the son of a well-to do livery stable owner. He began his studies at a private school at Enfield, and his junior school master, ...

King Lear

King Lear Analysis of Major Characters King Lear The aging king of Britain and the protagonist of the play. Lear is used to enjoying absolute power and to being flattered, and he does not respond well to being contradicted or chal ...

La buona terra


La questione femminile nel 17esimo secolo

LA QUESTIONE FEMMINILE NEL 17esimo SECOLO Limmagine stereotipata della donna Vittoriana quella incarnata dallAngelo del Focolare (che prende il nome da una poesia di Coventry Patmore), lideale della donna angelicata, con le ali, frag ...

Le sorelle

LE SORELLE Ogni sera,mentre alzava lo sguardo alla finestra del suo amico reverendo James Flynn, il ragazzo ripeteva fra se la parola paralisi, che da sempre gli suonava strana ma che da qualche tempo lo spaventava. Una sera,quando scese ...

Letter about Italy and the Italian people

Letter about Italy and the Italian people Dear _________, How are you? Here all is ok. In your last letter, you have asked me to tell you something about Italy and the Italian peoplewell, here I am! First of all, you have to know that I lo ...

Literary production

LITERARY PRODUCTION FICTION The most popular literary expression in the 20th century was fiction. Novelists had previously concentrated above all in plot, and their main preoccupation had been with characters in society, since they though ...


London London is not only a capital, it is also one of the greatest business centres of the world, a very important port, and the heart of Commonwealth. The word London is used: 1) for the City of London; 2) for the County of ...

Look back in Anger - Samuel Beckett

Look back in Anger Samuel Beckett Plot Jimmy Porter represents the frustrated British youth of the 1950s. He is a snobbish university graduate who lives in a squalid attic flat in the Midlands with Cliff, his uneducated friend. Jimmy has m ...

Looking for Richard - Richard III

Looking for Richard - Richard III The movie we have just seen is titled Looking for Richard by Al Pacino and is a docudrama about Shakespeares history Richard III. William Shakespeare is the most popular English playwright and very ...

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