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Appunti e tesine di tutte le materie per gli studenti delle scuole medie riguardanti le materie umanistiche: dall'italiano alla storia riguardanti le materie umanistiche: dall'italiano alla storia 
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BambiniComunicazioneComunicazioniEcologia ambienteEducazione pedagogia
Etica moralitaFranceseGiocoGrammaticaInglese
LatinoLetteratura italianoPersonalitaPortogheseRisorse umane

Differences between Britain American and Cameroon english stresss functions

The difference between the Medieval ballades and the contemporary ballads
The difference between the Medieval ballades and the contemporary ballads. When I speak about the medieval ballad, I think always about the ballades which I have read in my school-book ( Lord Randal, Robin Hood ). When I speak about the ...
Virginia Woolf: a life between Madness and Genius
Virginia Woolf: a life between Madness and Genius A woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction.' Talking about Geniality and Madness, there are many psychological studies that confirm that actually exist ...
WALTER SCOTT - Relationship between the historical novel and the national identity
WALTER SCOTT - Relationship between the historical novel and the national identity One of the most important features of Walter Scott is that he was an English-language author with a Scottish heart. He was born in Edinburgh but he spent ...

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  • Introduzione all'Informatica, Information and Comunication Tecnology, componenti del computer, software, hardware ...